Family ranch at Antigo Morelos Tamaulipas One of the most memorable places I enjoy visiting to appreciate nature at its finest has to be the family ranch located in Antigo Morelos Tamaulipas. I recently went last summer; One of the many memorable things about this place has to be how its surrounded by grassy mountains in the background. Which is something you don't see very often. Not to forget that since the ranch is pretty isolated you really get to enjoy natures beauty filled with pleasant fondness. As you hike further away from the ranch there are lots to encounter. The best thing I've encountered last summer while taking a walk with my cousins was a stream of water that splashes down like a mini waterfall which is breathtaking. My favorite part of going to the ranch is when you walk through the tall grass encountering resting butterflies, and as soon as you walk near them they soar around. Another thing I enjoy doing is bein...